Predicate is an expression taking truth value. It may be both a single expression or any combination of a numberless expressions built by means of Boolean operators AND, OR, and NOT. Besides, these combinations may inclide SQL-operator IS, and parentheses that define the order in which operations are to be executed.
SQL predicate evaluates to TRUE, FALSE and UNKNOWN. The following predicates are exeptions to this rule: NULL, EXISTS, UNIQUE, and MATCH, which could not evaluate to UNKNOWN.
To remember combination rules for these three truth values, let us denote TRUE as 1, FALSE as 0, and UNKNOWN as 1/2 (somewhere between true and false).
Example. Get information on computers with processor speed not less
than 500 MHz and price below $800:
SELECT * FROM Pc WHERE speed >= 500 AND price < 800; |
code | model | speed | ram | hd | cd | price |
1 | 1232 | 500 | 64 | 5 | 12x | 600.0 |
3 | 1233 | 500 | 64 | 5 | 12x | 600.0 |
7 | 1232 | 500 | 32 | 10 | 12x | 400.0 |
10 | 1260 | 500 | 32 | 10 | 12x | 350.0 |
Example. Get information on all those printers that
are not matrix and priced below $300:
SELECT * FROM Printer WHERE NOT (type = 'matrix') AND price < 300; |
code | model | color | type | price |
2 | 1433 | y | Jet | 270.0 |
3 | 1434 | y | Jet | 290.0 |
<expression to test> [NOT] BETWEEN
<begin expression> AND <end expression>
The predicate
exp1 BETWEEN exp2 AND exp3
is equal to the predicate
exp1>=exp2 AND exp1<=exp3
And the predicate
exp1 NOT BETWEEN exp2 AND exp3
is equal to the predicate
NOT (exp1 BETWEEN exp2 AND exp3)
If the value of the predicate exp1 BETWEEN exp2 AND exp3 is TRUE, it does not generally
mean that the value of predicate exp1 BETWEEN exp3 AND exp2 is TRUE also, because
the first one may be interpreted as the predicate
exp1>=exp2 AND exp1<=exp3
while the second one may be considered as
exp1>=exp3 AND exp1<=exp2
Example. Find model and processor speed of computers priced
between and including $400 through $600:
SELECT model, speed FROM Pc WHERE price BETWEEN 400 AND 600; |
model | speed |
1232 | 500 |
1233 | 500 |
1232 | 500 |
<expression to test> [NOT] IN (<subquery>)
| (<expression1>,...)
Example. Find the model, processor speed and hard drive capacity
for those computers having the hard drive of 10Mb or 20Mb:
SELECT model, speed, hd FROM Pc WHERE hd IN (10, 20); |
model | speed | hd |
1233 | 750 | 20 |
1232 | 500 | 10 |
1232 | 450 | 10 |
1260 | 500 | 10 |
Example. Find the model, processor speed and hard drive capacity
for those computers having hard drive of 10Mb or 20Mb and produced by
the manufacturer A:
SELECT model, speed, hd FROM Pc WHERE hd IN (10, 20) AND model IN (SELECT model FROM product WHERE maker = 'A'); |
model | speed | hd |
1233 | 750 | 20 |
1232 | 500 | 10 |
1232 | 450 | 10 |
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